请问帝国cms 暂无相关链接调用当前栏目其它信息方法

- 函数代码:
function dp_GetKeyboard($num=100) { global $empire, $public_r, $class_r, $fun_r, $dbtbpre, $class_r, $navinfor; $keyid = $navinfor['keyid']; $classid = $navinfor['classid']; $id = $navinfor['id']; $link_num = $class_r[$classid]['link_num']; if (!$link_num) { return $fun_r['NotLinkNews']; } $tr = $empire->fetch1("select otherlinktemp,otherlinktempsub,otherlinktempdate from ".GetTemptb("enewspubtemp")." limit 1"); $temp_r = explode("[!--empirenews.listtemp--]", $tr[otherlinktemp]); if ($keyid) { $add = "id in (".$keyid.")"; } else { $e = $id + $num; $s = $id - $num; $add = " classid=".$classid." and id>".$s." and id<".$e; } $key_sql = $empire->query("select id, newstime, title, isurl, titleurl, classid, titlepic from {$dbtbpre}ecms_".$class_r[$classid][tbname]." where ".$add." order by newstime desc limit $link_num"); while ($link_r = $empire->fetch($key_sql)) { if ($link_r['id'] == $id) { continue; } $keyboardtext .= RepOtherTemp($temp_r[1], $link_r, $tr); } if (empty($keyboardtext)) { return $fun_r['NotLinkNews']; } $keyboardtext = $temp_r[0].$keyboardtext.$temp_r[2]; return $keyboardtext; }
- 调用方法:
标签:帝国cms不更新了 帝国cms7.5 帝国cms8.0 帝国cms视频教程 帝国cms功能
更新日期:2025-03-09 00:50:07 来源:网络

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